Aynur Doğan (born 1975 in Çemişgezek) is a contemporary Kurdish singer and musician of Kurdish ancestry from Turkey. She was born in Çemişgezek, a small mountain town in Tunceli Province in Turkey. Her family fled to İstanbul in 1992 during the conflict between the Turkish security forces and the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). She studied music and singing at ASM Music School in İstanbul and released her first album in 2002.

In 2004 she released the album Keçe Kurdan on Hasan Saltık's Kalan Müzik label. The record was banned by a provincial court in Diyarbakır in February 2005 on the grounds that the lyrics contained propaganda for an illegal organization. The court ruling said the album "incites women to take to the hills and promotes division." The ban was lifted later in 2005.


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