Habiluim (Hebrew: "הבילויים", a name given to people who took part in the Bilu organization) is an Israeli, theatrical rock and polka band formed in 1996 by Noam Enbar (bass and vocals) and Yammi Wisler (electric guitar) as a reaction to the deep sense of abhorrence they felt listening to contemporary Israeli pop music, which they viewed as a means of escape from the harsh Israeli reality.

The band's songs are grotesque accounts of the Israeli life from a political, social and critical point of view. In their song "Shaul Mofaz" the former minister of defense (Shaul Mofaz) is riding a snow sledge from house to house, giving out amputated organs of dead soldiers to their bereaved families. "Etzot Me'Imma" (Motherly Advice) is a mother's recommendation to her daughter to have an abortion, so her life won't be ruined by the need to raise a child, like her mother's was when she was born.


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