Juli Zeh (born 30 June 1974 in Bonn) is a German writer. Her first book was Adler und Engel (translated into English as Eagles and Angels by Christine Slenczka), which won the 2002 Deutscher Bücherpreis for best debut novel. She traveled through Bosnia-Herzegovina in 2001, which became the basis for the book Die Stille ist ein Geräusch. Her other books are Das Land der Menschen, Schilf (translated into English as Dark Matter by Christine Lo), Alles auf dem Rasen, Kleines Konversationslexikon für Haushunde, Spieltrieb, Ein Hund läuft durch die Republik and Corpus Delicti (translated into English as The Method by Sally-Ann Spencer).

Zeh has lived in Leipzig since 1995. Zeh studied law in Passau and Leipzig, passing the Zweites Juristisches Staatsexamen - comparable equivalent to the U.S. bar exam - in 2003. She also has a degree from the Deutsches Literaturinstitut Leipzig.


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