Go Home Productions (also known as GHP) is the alter ego of Mark Vidler, a producer/remixer/DJ based in Watford, Hertfordshire, England. GHP has produced well over 200 mash-ups since May 2002, many of which have been played on both national and independent radio stations around the world.

GHP creations have been heard regularly on Xfm London's The Remix and The Rinse radio shows, and are heavily played on the New York City area station WFMU. A 30 minute Go Home Productions "Superchunk" mix was aired on Xfm in May 2003 to critical acclaim, and was voted "Superchunk of the year". GHP has also been nominated for Best Studio Session on XFM alongside the likes of The Darkness, Muse, Kings of Leon and Blur. GHP's WFMU Re:Mixology set was broadcast as part of a series that included the legendary mixer Steinski. Go Home Productions has worked with MTV Mash on their weekly bootleg video show and had five tracks on rotation across Europe in 2004. In the same year, Emap's QTV also broadcast a selection of 8 GHP tracks across their network.
