Tenacious D is an American comedy rock duo that was formed in Los Angeles, California, United States in 1994. Composed of lead vocalist and guitarist Jack Black and lead guitarist and vocalist Kyle Gass, the band has released three albums – Tenacious D (2001), The Pick of Destiny (2006) and Rize of the Fenix (2012). Tenacious D's studio releases, and (as of 2006) its live performances, feature a full band lineup, including such musicians as guitarist John Konesky and bassist John Spiker. Drummer Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters, Nirvana) played on every studio release, with Bad Religion drummer Brooks Wackerman replacing Grohl on tour.

The band first gained popularity in 1999 when they starred in their eponymous television series and began to support large rock acts. In 2001, they released Tenacious D, their debut album featuring a full band. The first single, "Tribute", was the band's most successful achieving their only Top 10 in any chart, until they released "The Metal", which was first shown at Saturday Night Live. In 2006, they starred in, and recorded the soundtrack for, the film Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny. In support of the film, the band went on a world tour, appearing for the first time with a full band. They released their newest album Rize of the Fenix on May 15, 2012.


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