Wire Train was a United States-based band who produced six albums in the 1980s and early 1990s. The band was originally formed as the Renegades in April 1983 in San Francisco. Wire Train signed to the local 415 Records label, also home to acts like Translator, Red Rockers, and Romeo Void, all of which found themselves with national distribution when 415 entered into a deal with Columbia Records.

Wire Train's first album, In a Chamber, made the national charts in 1984, as did its second, Between Two Words, in 1986, and fifth, No Soul No Strain, in 1993. Brian MacLeod replaced drummer Federico Gil-Sola for the second album, and Kurt Herr left during the making of Between Two Words, to be replaced by Jeffrey Trott for their third album, Ten Women, which also charted in 1987. Dave Sharp, guitarist with The Alarm, featured on that album's "Breakwater Days."

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