Joshua Kit Clayton, better known by his stage name Kit Clayton, is a San Francisco-based electronic and digital musician and computer programmer. "In addition to his musical work, Joshua is a programmer for Cycling '74, where he is responsible for further development of the Max/MSP MIDI/audio programming environment." He is a significant contributor to Jitter as well, a multi-dimensional data set processing and visualizing architecture with applications in audio, video, and 3d graphics, which is part of the multimedia package Max. Clayton uses Max, MSP, and Jitter extensively in his own abstract musical compositions, which have been described as including aspects of ambient computer music and glitch.

In 2000 Clayton founded and operated his own label, Orthlorng Musork. Musork released seminal works by Akira Rabelais, Alejandra and Aeron, Kevin Blechdom, Blevin Blectum, Blectum from Blechdom, Eight Frozen Modules, Gold Chains, Secret Mommy, Stephan Mathieu, Sutekh, Timeblind, and others, until folding in 2004. Musork announced its final release and the closing of label operations with the following statement:


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