Gabriel Contino (born March 4, 1974), better known as Gabriel o Pensador (Portuguese for "Gabriel the Thinker") is a Brazilian rapper, writer, and composer known for his intellectual lyrics which talk of activism, and issues of race, politics, social problems, and the Catholic church. Gabriel began his music career when he launched a demo tape containing the song "Tô Feliz (Matei o Presidente)" I'm Happy (I killed the President) landing him a contract with Sony Music. Since then he has released eight albums: Ainda É Só o Começo, Quebra-Cabeça, Nádegas a Declarar, Gabriel o Pensador, Seja Você Mesmo (mas não Seja sempre o Mesmo), MTV ao Vivo, Cavaleiro Andante and Sem Crise (this last one was released independently). Gabriel has also written three books: "Diário Noturno", "Um Garoto Chamado Rorbeto" and "Meu Pequeno Rubro-Negro". "Um Garoto Chamado Rorbeto" won the "Prêmio Jabuti", for best Children's literature.

  1. ^ "Detonautas – biografia". Studio Matheus Levi. Retrieved October 10, 2013. 
  2. ^ Estrela, Filipa. "AC Para os Amigos é o novo disco do Boss". Destak. Retrieved October 10, 2013. 
  3. ^ Magaldi, Cristina (October 1999). "Adopting imports: New images and alliances in Brazilian popular music of the 1990s". Popular Music 18 (3): 21. doi:10.1017/s0261143000008898. 
  4. ^ "Gabriel O Pensador leva prêmio Jabuti de melhor livro infantil". Folha Online: Ilustrada. 


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