Paul Oxley's Unit

Paul Oxley's Unit was a popular rock band in Finland in the 1980s. The bands vocalist and songwriter was a man from Manchester, named Malcolm Campbell, or in his stage name, Paul Oxley. Playing the keyboards was Brian Hammond, but he wasn't playing yet in the first single produced by the group. The other members of the band were from Finland, and they were Swedish speaking Finns Ulf Enberg (guitar), Kjell Ekholm (bass) and Janne Romberg (drums).

At first the band was called Paul Oxley's Radio and with this name they released their first single, "Another Heartbreak/The Judge and the Jury" which had a reasonable amount of airtime in Finnish radio stations in 1980, but the real first taste of success came around the summer gigs of 1981 and from the debut-album "Living in the Western World", released in autumn of the same year. The album's melodic and energetic pop sold its way to the Finnish youth so well, that over 60 000 copies were sold, pushing it over the Platinum marker and by today's standards, double platinum. The album reached No1 in the charts and stayed there for 17 weeks. The biggest hits from the album and possibly the most internationally recognized were "Spanish Bars", "Terry's Inside" and the album's namesake song "Living in the Western World."


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