More Fire Crew

More Fire Crew was an East London-based grime crew from Waltham Forest, and was one of the first crews in the grime scene.

The crew was formed when Ozzie B and Lethal Bizzle went to secondary school together. Ozzie and Lethal soon joined up with their friend Seani B, who was a DJ on Amy FM, and formed a crew called the 'Cream Team'. Meanwhile, More Fire's third prospective member Neeko was in a sound engineering training programme. All three would join up when Ozzie left the Cream Team in the summer of 2000 for the Mad Dog Crew and Neeko, also a Mad Dog member, was invited to guest MC on Amy FM by Seani B. This led to them joining up with Lethal, who had become a resident MC at the same station, then they formed the More Fire Crew.

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