El Chombo, real name Rodney 'Dirty Sanchez' Clark (born November 27, 1969) is an American-born Panamanian producer and artist, known for his song "Chacarron Macarron". He also performs under the name of El Mudo ("The Mute"), a nickname he earned for the mumbling vocals and nonsensical "lyrics" of "Chacarron Macarron."

He is best known to white audiences for the hit nonsense pseudo-Spanish song "Chacarron Macarron", which has become an Internet phenomenon. His major local hits under his own name include Kung Fu, El Gato Volador, and Macarron Chacarron (as El Chombo). He has created an EP called Macarron Chacarron containing many mixes of his hits, which is available from iTunes. An excerpt from his song is also the track to the video "retarded running horse," which has over 56 million views and has spawned countless copies and versions.

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