Emerald Web

Emerald Web was an American musical duo, made up of the husband-wife team of Bob Stohl and Kat Epple. Founded in 1978 and active through the 1980s, the Florida-based Stohl and Epple composed and recorded music in the New Age and electronica genres. In addition to recording their music and performing in concert, Emerald Web composed many television soundtracks, including National Geographic, PBS Nova, CNN, Apple Computers, NASA and Carl Sagan's documentary films, winning several Emmy Awards. They also composed music for a wide range of other applications, from films to planetarium shows. They received a Grammy nomination in 1986 for their album Catspaw.

They were known for innovative synthesizer orchestration and created a unique blend of "electronic space music" and acoustic instruments. Both Epple and Stohl were also flautists; their flute-dominated music achieved a distinctive sound among New Age artists. Stohl was also noted for his musicianship on the Lyricon, a woodwind/synthesizer hybrid.

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