Justin Warfield (born 20 April 1973) is a musician and hip hop emcee of African-American and Jewish Russian-Romanian maternal parentage, who is currently half of the darkwave duo She Wants Revenge. In 1993, he released a hip-hop album titled My Field Trip to Planet 9, which featured production from Prince Paul and QDIII. His latest album, the self-released Black Hesh Cult Mixtape, was released in July 2013.

  1. ^ Blume, Karla S. (2006-04-27). "Cultural Mix Inspires Revenge’s Warfield | Arts". Jewish Journal. Retrieved 2012-03-29. 
  2. ^ Karla S. Blume (April 27, 2006). "Cultural Mix Inspires Revenge’s Warfield". The Jewish Journal. Retrieved March 25, 2009. 


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