Worm Quartet is a one-man (Timothy F. Crist, A.K.A. -=ShoEboX=-) Comedy Synth Punk band portrayed on album covers as a group of four worms. The "band" has a growing cult following thanks to exposure on the Dr. Demento show. Worm Quartet's music, all written by Crist, is characterized by wild logorrhea, taking words that might never have been in the same sentence before and forming odd images that flash past the listener's ears but remain imprinted on their engrams. His sophomoric sense of humor is occasionally tempered by outrage or satirical criticism. Worm Quartet had the #1 Most Requested Song of the Year on the Dr. Demento Show in 2004 (Great Idea For A Song) and 2005 (Inner Voice with Sudden Death). He has additionally collaborated with Rob Balder under the name "Baldbox" to release one CD ("The Dumb Album") and several follow-up songs, which have also been played frequently by Dr. Demento and other terrestrial radio shows.


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