Dishwalla - Counting Blue Cars

04:30 author dishwallavevo 5 October 2009 23:50 3 202 966 views


Must of been mid afternoon
I could tell by how far
The child's shadow stretched out and
He walked with a purpose
In his sneakers, down the street
He had many questions
Like children often do, he said

"Tell me all your thoughts on God"
"Tell me am I very far?"

Must of been late afternoon
On our way the sun broke free of the clouds
We count only blue cars
Skip the cracks, in the street
And ask many questions
Like children often do, we said

"Tell me all your thoughts on God
'Cause I would really like to meet her
And ask her why we're who we are"
"Tell me all your thoughts on God
'Cause I am on my way to see her
So tell me am I very far
Am I very far now?"

It's getting cold picked up the pace
How our shoes make hard noises in this place
Our clothes are stained
We pass many cross eyed people
And ask many questions
Like children often do

"Tell me all your thoughts on God
'Cause I would really like to meet her
And ask her why we're who we are"
"Tell me all your thoughts on God
'Cause I am on my way to see her
So tell me am I very far?"
Am I very far now?
Am I very far now?
Am I very far now?

"Tell me all your thoughts on God"
"Tell me all your thoughts on God"