Lounès Matoub (in Kabyle: Lwennas Maṭub, in Tifinagh: ⵍⵡⴻⵏⵏⴰⵙ ⵎⴰⵟⵓⴱ, Algerian Arabic: معطوب الوناس) (January 24, 1956 – June 25, 1998) was a famous Berber Kabyle singer, poet, thinker and mandole player who was a prominent advocate of the Berber cause, human rights and secularism in Algeria throughout his life. He was a symbol of resistance, courage and dignity.

He is revered as a hero and martyr in Kabylie,the Berber World and the world but reviled by most of the Arab population in Algeria for his atheism and the alleged blasphemy of some songs (like Allahu Akbar) along with his militant advocacy of Berber rights, so he was unpopular among both warring parties during the Algerian Civil War. His assassination, in circumstances which remain unclear, provoked violent riots in Kabylie. Berber Algerians still accuse the Algerian regime of killing Matoub Lounès, but some of the Algerian regime's figures accused the Islamist terrorists of this crime.


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