Bluvertigo is an Italian band formed in 1992. Their first name was "Golden Age" and former members are Morgan (Marco Castoldi), Andy (Andrea Fumagalli) and Marco Pancaldi. In 1994 Sergio Carnevale joined the band while in 1996 Pancaldi left the band and Livio Magnini entering in his role.

Their first album was released in 1995, Acidi e basi (Acids and Bases), followed in 1997 by Metallo non metallo (Metal Nonmetal) and in 1999 by Zero: they were later called "la trilogia chimica" ("the chemical trilogy") because every title has a reference to chemistry and the initial letters (AB-MN-Z) are respectively the first, the central and the last ones of the alphabet. Their latest album is Pop Tools, a compilation released in 2001.


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