Snatam Kaur feat. GuruGanesha Singh Har Har Ram Das Guru Hai


Snatam Kaur - 05 - Har Har Ram Das Guru Hai

08:19 author evv377 16 June 2012 15:28 17 372 views


Jap Man Sat Nam, Sat Nam, Sadaa Sat Nam

Sat Nam, Sat Nam, Sat Nam Sadaa Sat Nam

Ichhaa poorak sarab sukh-daataa har jaa kai vas hai kaamdhaynaa.

So aisaa har dhi-aa-ee-ai mayray jee-aray taa sarab sukh paaveh mayray manaa.

Jap man sat nam sadaa sat nam.

Halat palat much oojal ho-ee hai nit dhi-aa-ee-ai har purakh niranjanaa.

Jeh har Simran bha-i-aa teh upaadh gat keenee vadbhaagee har japnaa.

Jan naanak ka-o gur eh mat deenee jap har bhavjal taranaa.

Language: Gurmukhi - Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib - Author: Guru Ram Das


Chant, Oh my mind, the True Name, Sat Nam, the True Name.

The Lord is the Fulfiller of desires, the Giver of total peace; the Kaamdhaynaa, the mythical cow which fulfills all wishes, is in His power.

So meditate on such a Lord, Oh my soul. Then, you shall obtain total peace, Oh my mind.

Chant, Oh my mind, the True Name, Sat Nam, the True Name.

In this world, and in the world beyond, your face shall be radiant, by meditating continually on the immaculate Lord God.

Wherever anyone remembers the Lord in meditation, disaster runs away from that place. By great good fortune, we meditate on the Lord.

The Guru has blessed servant Nanak with this understanding, that by meditating on the Lord, we cross over the terrifying world-ocean.

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This shabd opens one to the flow of prosperity by attuning the mind to the power of the Creative
Infinity, the joy of merger with Infinity.