The Swinging Blue Jeans Hippy Hippy Shake


Hippy Hippy Shakes - The Swinging Blue Jeans

01:48 author hatleman2 22 May 2010 19:01 309 870 views


For Goodness sake
I got the Hippy Hippy Shake
Yeah I got the Shake
Ooh, the Hippy Hippy Shake

I can't sit still
With the Hippy Hippy Shake
Yeah I get my fill now
With the Hippy Shake
Yeah its in the bag
The Hippy Hippy Shake

Well now you shake it to the left
Shake it to the right
Do the Hippy Shake Shake
With all of your might oh baby

Yeah come on shake
Oh, its in the bag
The Hippy Hippy Shake

Well, now you shake it to the left
Shake it to the right
Do the Hippy Shake Shake
With all of your might oh baby

Yeah come on shake
Woah its in the bag
The Hippy Hippy Shake
The Hippy Hippy Shake
The Hippy Hippy Shake
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