Elvis Perkins in Dearland Chains, Chains, Chains


Elvis Perkins in Dearland - Chains, Chains, Chains Live 6-16-09

04:24 author tetrapodbomb 18 June 2009 03:31 1 401 views


Whose eyes are those
Too fair to be but the night in day's clothes
Speak, speak it I beg if you know it
Just say it plain
Lorraine's What thing is this
At my feet, at my heart, at my wrists
If you know anything, I have to insist
That you explain
Chains, chains, chains
Chains, chains Then what am I
If bound to walk in chains 'til I die
Reaching wildly out to the sky
With no particular aim
A flame and all aflame And what are these
Put my mind out to deep, deep seas
I won't see the forest, I won't see the trees
'Til they're gone with the flame
Names, name Whose eyes are those
Ought to be careful or simply keep them closed
I see them now wherever I go
Set to the solemn refrain
Chains, chains
Oh, oh oh
Chains, chains, chain, chains