Hard-FI - Suburban Knights (Video)

03:52 author atlanticvideos 27 October 2009 02:51 338 706 views


Suburban days, they last so long
In shop and office, we sing our song we all sing
We ain't got nothing, nothing to do
A big fat nothing, nothing for me, nothing for you Suburban dreams, just out of reach
Work till you die, that's what they teach you at school
With that in mind, what's there to lose?
My friends and I, doped up on TV fags and booze
Hear them all singing We're the ones that you've forgotten
But we will not be denied
Coming out of the shadows
We rock the satellites Suburban nights, they get so hot
People get angry, we sing our song we all sing
A global terror they say, we are at war
But I ain't got time for that 'cause
These bills keep dropping through my door
Hear them all singing We're the ones you've forgotten
Out of mind, out of sight
Coming out of the shadows
We rock the satellites All these people who criticize us well
We're only saying what we're seeing with our own eyes
This one way system it ain't, it ain't paradise
Not everybody wants to race, wants to fight
Hear them all singing We're the ones you've forgotten
But we will not be denied
Coming out of the shadows
We rock the satellites We're the ones that you've forgotten
Out of mind, out of sight
Coming out of the shadows
Coming live via satellite