Peter Morén Reel Too Real


Peter Moren-Reel Too Real

03:26 author tgqs 20 January 2009 16:21 1 940 views


It doesn’t walk in the caravans or sleep inside the stables,
no they sneak around
at nighttime,
with just their own eyes to guide them,
so if you lead them on astray,
or if you bear false witness,
it might just be the end of them, it might eventually kill them

Ma coeur fid
le, se malade,
je t’embrasse, je t’embrasse
Le petit coeur, dormir bien, please awake, please awake
Le petit coeur awake

My tribe wants to be part of, what your tribe is busy
planning, sitting down at
your tables,
eating dinner with
your neighbors,
but you wouldn’t dare invite us ’cause we smell of foreign burdens, that you don’t want to
weigh down on you,
but it’s attractive from
a distance

We gain when we lose in life,
we gain it in wisdom,
but the price of falling out,
is the chance of falling
in again,
so if you lock me out again,
I might not come back to seek you, even though it’s against my wish,
it’s not against my better knowledge

So rest in peace,
sleep until you’ve regained confidence, reference
Ma coeur fid
le, shall move on, ’til it’s root has forgotten,
that it’s still somehow broken