Adrian-Floru Enescu (born March 31, 1948) is a Romanian composer (film soundtracks & contemporary music). As an individual musician, he also pioneered the local electronic scene during the 1970s-80s. He graduated from the "Ciprian Porumbescu" Music Conservatory in Bucharest, composition - class of Aurel Stroe, Alexandru Pascanu-harmony Among his list of accomplishments are music for ballet in Italy, China and Australia, music for theater in Romania, Holland, Belgium, Japan, Australia, Canada, Columbia and Costa Rica. Other accomplishments:

  • In 1976, Basorelief (symphonic pop)
  • In 1980, Funky Synthesizer vol 1 (electronic music)
  • In 1983, vocal lead Stereo Group (pop music)
  • In 1984, Funky Synthesizer vol 2 (electronic music)
  • In 1988, Buna seara, iubite(vocal lead, Loredana Groza(pop music))
  • In 1989, Un buchet de trandafiri,(vocal lead,LoredanaGroza)(pop music)
  • In 1999-2000, Jingle for "Arcadia Jingle Bank", Germany
  • In 2000, Millennium Angel(produced by PRO TV Romania)
  • In 2001, Diva (vocal lead, Loredana Groza)(pop music)
  • In 2001, November Dreams produced by Axel Springer Company,Germany
  • In 2001, EarthTone records division of Sonic Images Records USA published Invisible Music chapter 2(electronic music)
  • In 2002, Buddha Bar3 publishedInvisible Music chapter1(electronic music)
  • In 2003, he arranged the music for The Christmas Parade of Disneyland Paris, France
  • In 2013, Bird in Space jazz music , produced by A&ARecords
  • In 2014, Invisible Movies music for film , produced by A&ARecords
  • Symphonic music : electroacoustic music , music for solo viola, DOMINO -concerto for percussion & orchestra, TABU -concerto for vibraphone & orchestra, Labyrinth music for 8 clarinets ,The Journey of Orpheus/opera -new version & variations on CW Gluck's themes, Cinematic for chamber orchestra
  • In 2014 Bach in showbiz(Bach variations )for Zoli Toth quartet


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